Bokashi in a bag! Perfect for Christmas leftovers

There’s something I’ve been wondering about for a long time: can you ferment Bokashi in a plastic bag? So I’ve been testing it over the last months. And I have to say I’m quite excited about the result. Because it works every bit as well as a bucket once you get the hang of it.Continue reading “Bokashi in a bag! Perfect for Christmas leftovers”

All those damn coffee grinds

Well, I guess we all drink more coffee than we’d like to admit to. Personally I’m a prezzo drinker. A plunger. Or a whatever you call it wherever you are. The coffee is of course great. And needed. But those damn grinds! For years I’ve been tipping them down the sink. Cringing each time becauseContinue reading “All those damn coffee grinds”

Bokashi tips: Daily life on the kitchen bench

Modern still life: bananas and tomato with fresh herbs. Oh, and the Bokashi bench-top thingy. What you’re really doing when you bring a Bokashi bucket into your kitchen is swapping one rubbish bin with another. ALL your food waste will go into the Bokashi bin and by the time you recycle everything else (you know,Continue reading “Bokashi tips: Daily life on the kitchen bench”